Friday, February 4, 2011


I have to be honest about my ignorance of the history of politics in Egypt. First off, I am much more familiar with Lebanon.

I am learning more, almost every hour. I just watched a great documentary about Mubarak that was on Aljazeera English made before the latest developments.

I was unaware of all the protest movements that have taken place over the last 15 years or more here in Egypt against policies of Mubarak's government. I knew about the dictatorship of course, but it was not fair of me to ask why "they have waited 30 years to voice their opinion?"

My own ignorance forced me to reconsider my words. I stand corrected.

People have been opposing for a long time, just never in such magnitude with such exposure.

So maybe I am here for more reasons than I can figure right now. As usual, I just learn as I go along.

More later after I venture out of the house today. I just had to correct myself.


  1. Perfect example of why we must always speak up in some way because of the ripple effect on our interconnectedness. I posted Robert Fisk's article from this morning on my FB. He spells it all out as usual. I had no idea the extent of torture and police state.

  2. Please please please be careful Sat Hari. Miss you. Hope you make it back to DC while I'm there :) - Scott

  3. you are fantastic Sat Hari as the first day :)
