Monday, February 14, 2011

Tahrir Square the day after Mubarak

Walking to Tahrir square the day after the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, the energy was alive, invigorating, only getting more visceral as we moved deeper into the square...

Children are lifted onto tanks to pose for photographs

Many people carry brooms and dustpans, volunteering to clean the streets

There is a crowd silently taking pictures of the burnt NDP headquarters

Ibrahim and Mahmoud follow us for a time, posing for the camera


The crowd starts to thicken

Volunteers make a human chain to protect the freshly painted curbs

Little children sit atop their father's shoulders carrying baby flags

The youth dance toward the crowd

"Sorry for the disturbance, we build Egypt"

The water bearer

Osama and the creepy short middle-aged man


I never got her name

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