Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pictures that illustrate

If you have been reading, these photos should make sense. I did not get pictures of everything I wanted to as I was not always comfortable just whipping out my camera. But there are times that I did. I hope these images express and add to my descriptions.

Again it is almost 6:00 am and the plan is to head to the Pyramids for breakfast. Sounds so strange to say!

Anyhow, enjoy the photos. My computer is a dinosaur MAC and has no memory left, so it is hard getting pics in order: therefore, nothing has been touched up here, though I think some of them could stand to be, another reason I love that afternoon/sunset light so much!

P.S. they are in chronological order. I left out the one of the hotel room from the first night because it was just way too ugly!

Finally leaving Ahmed's apartment to head to the Gezira Sports club in the taxi

Gizera Sports Club

The terrace over looking the golf course and the polo track where we had coffee

The menagerie (minus the dogs)

The Mariott Hotel entrance
The neighbor's nightly street fire
From the balcony

Breakfast at a french cafe on the way to start the Mission!

The Lotus Hotel poster child. This boy was about 10 years old as a bell hop. He is now in his late 80's early 90's. We did not get to meet him, but I wish we had!

Just a glimpse of the Felfelah (hobbit eden!)

On the walk to Metro through down town

"ma Shad Allah" mosaic in the metro

Working horse carriage!

Cairo Tower

150 Year old Banyan Tree from Bengal

That "oops" glowing new Police academy

Walking home via detour of Cairo Tower

Same scene from the night before (it happened again last night as well. I think the neighbors are enjoying the curfew. When a car comes by, they just move the chairs out of the way. even the 3 year old was helping break up the wood for the night's ritual this evening!)

The plan is to have breakfast at the pyramids. Lets see what happens!

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